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Никто так не слеп, как тот, кто не желает вИдеть.

"I suppose for her present role she cannot Ье too old, the older the better." "What do you mean?" says Gillian, mystified, "What role?" But Anne only runs away laughing, and telling her that she is dull, and there are nоnе so blind as those who will not see. (Вroughton)

Little Dorrit received а call that same evening from Mr. Plornish, who, having intimated that he wished to speak to her privately, in а series of coughs so very noticeable as to favour the idea that her father, as regarded her seamstress occupation, was an illustration of the axiom that there are во suc:h stooe blind men as those who will not see, obtained an audience with her оп the соmmоn staircase outside the door. (Dickens)

"That poor Sir John ! One cannot help feeling for him also. I never in my life saw а man half so puzzled." "What about?" asked the Italian, stirring the sugar into the glass of lemonade. "None so blind as those who don't choose to see. У ou abandon him, and I cannot stay. So what's to become of his daughter, sweet, pretty creature?" (Ruffim)